Join us for the next Cause Mapping Root Cause Analysis Public Workshop in HOUSTON, TX on April 1-3, 2025.

Cause Mapping Root Cause Analysis FundamentalsHalf-Day Workshop
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Everyone can benefit from understanding a systems approach to problem solving. The “Front Line” Cause Mapping Workshop was created to provide a training solution for those in your organization who will benefit from learning how to effectively solve day-to-day problems and will be relied upon to provide input into larger problem investigations. The course will focus on applying Cause Mapping concepts to improve communication, building Cause Maps for day-to-day problems, and bringing a prevention vs blame mentality to problem solving. This 5 why analysis training is delivered in a half-day format but can be condensed to 2 hours if necessary. It is offered as a live event at your location or online.


What you will learn

During our 5 why analysis training you will learn how to:

  • Apply a systems approach to problem solving
  • Apply a “5-why” analysis to reveal solutions to day-to-day problems
  • Apply valuable communication skills and techniques in day-to-day problem solving
  • Avoid the 5 miscommunication traps that can derail effective problem solving
  • Drive a “prevention” instead of “blame” focus during an investigation
  • Participate in and become a valuable resource for larger problem investigations

Who should attend

Our Cause Mapping workshops will benefit anyone who wants to improve their problem-solving and problem-communication skills, including those “Closest to the work.” Attendees of our 5 why analysis training will learn the core skills that will improve their ability to break down day-to-day problems both efficiently and effectively. As a result, attendees will be able to immediately apply “5-Why Analysis” to solve problems on the spot while also providing a foundation for becoming a resource on larger problems.

Typical problem-solving role

  • Front Line Problem Solver
  • Investigation Contributor

What type of problems do you need to solve?

The severity of a problem should dictate the level of analysis. For high-risk problems, a more detailed analysis will reveal a larger set of solutions across multiple work processes. More solutions = greater risk reduction.


What you will receive

Each workshop attendee will receive:

  • Cause Mapping Introductory Workbook
  • Support handouts
  • 5-Why Starter Template
  • Online access to attendee resources
  • Completion certificate with CEU credit


I don’t want to leave my office, can this workshop be presented online with a live instructor?

Yes, all of our workshops can be presented online with a live instructor .

What people are saying

I have worked in healthcare quality for about 25 years. Cause mapping ties many tools together for a more comprehensive look at cause and effect. It will be my new go-to tool. – Workshop attendee, Saint Luke’s Health System

This Cause Mapping Workshop allowed our group from different parts of this industry to see how we all run into the same problems on a daily basis. With Cause Mapping we recognized how quickly simple and complicated issues can be resolved. Very useful tool in setting and changing policies and procedures. – Workshop attendee, Jet Aviation

As a newly qualified EHS professional, I found this course to be extremely beneficial towards my professional development. I can see how the information gained from the workshop can benefit the site where I work. The learnings from this course will fit very nicely with the Error Prevention System that we have implemented. – Workshop attendee, Lonza

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Check out a list of upcoming dates and workshop locations below

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