Join us for the next Cause Mapping Root Cause Analysis Public Workshop in HOUSTON, TX on July 30-August 1.

What Will Management and Executives Gain from the Workshop?
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Managers and executive attend the Public Workshop to learn how to establish a systematic approach for investigating and preventing problems within their department or across their business unit.  Take-aways for leadership include:

  • Two core capabilities of highly reliable organizations.
  • How business performance is a driven by better problem solving.
  • The basics of risk, reliability and root cause analysis and how they align.
  • Common mistakes organization make when investigating problems.
  • The essential parts of a complete problem investigation.
  • A consistent, repeatable way to define the value of every problem
  • The importance of basic and detailed explanations to improve communication.
  • How to access valuable know-how that’s already within the organization.
  • What management should expect to see in a complete investigation.
  • How effective problem-solving changes culture.
  • Essential elements of a prevention culture.
  • The benefit of having frontline problem solvers.
  • The important role facilitators play investigating and preventing problems.
  • How to establish and sustain an effective prevention program.

Hear What Attendees Have to Say

Workshop Attendee from Nestle

Cause Mapping® and the provided templates will be extremely useful when problem-solving. These tools are intuitive to use, and everyone will be able to have input to find the cause. This same thought process can be used to prevent issues before they occur.

Workshop Attendee from LMCO

This workshop is a fantastic course for learning problem-solving techniques and leadership skills. Lots of real-life examples make the class interesting and relevant. This course is definitely worth the time. 

Workshop Attendee from Kaiser Permanente

My colleague and I left the workshop with new ideas to address our patient safety challenges using Cause Mapping® and were able to use these skills to lead effective meetings to develop corrective actions the following week.

Workshop Attendee from Valero

A very enjoyable and engaging training course. I learned a lot and feel confident applying the techniques discussed during the three days. The pace was just right and the relaxed atmosphere allowed plenty of open discussion. 

Or Is This Your Role?
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Frontline Professional
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Frontline people are the first to see problems. Cause-and-effect thinking provides them with a systematic way to troubleshoot those problems, communicate the details to others and find better solutions. 

Looking for a Private Workshop?

If you're on the hunt for on onsite private workshop for the entire team at your organization, we have you covered.